Planning for the Future

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Don't wait; the future is almost here!

Planning and saving today can help you buy tomorrow!

More than half of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck, which makes saving for the future nearly impossible. By laying out your savings goals and creating a budget to achieve them, it is possible to hit your savings targets, have funds available for unexpected emergencies, and be able to make those big purchases, such as a dream home or a new vehicle!

There are so many reasons to save for the future. The future doesn't just have to be retirement - the future is tomorrow. Saving means security and the ability to purchase a vehicle, take a vacation, or purchase a home.
  • Make a budget & review your expenses
  • Automate your savings
  • When is the best time to start saving? NOW!

We have already discussed budgeting and how to get started. So let's take a look at your savings. The number one rule is, make your savings automatic! You've heard the saying, "Out of sight. Out of mind?" Well, set a financial goal, and then allocate a feasible amount that can be divided up amongst each paycheck. Have the money deposited straight into your savings account, before it gets to checking, directly from your paycheck. The temptation to spend those funds is easier to resist when you have it taken directly out before it hits your spending account. Your future self will thank you, and you will see the number increase quicker than you think!

Have specific questions or want assistance for your particular needs?

Our Financial Service Representatives are here to help answer questions or assist you in narrowing down which option fits your needs best. 

Join some of Texas Bay's very best financial coaches as they share tips on long term financial planning:

  • Saving strategies for those big purchases
  • Understanding your good and bad debt
  • Steps needed for planning to buy that new home
  • What to know as a 1st time home buyer and what to plan for
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