Striving to Always Keep You Informed
All security and disclosure related information can be located here.
Privacy Policy
Federal law requires Texas Bay to inform our members how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. This document explains the why, what, and how we do that. You can read this notice to understand how your information and privacy are protected at Texas Bay Credit Union.
Truth in Savings Disclosure/Deposit Agreement
Terms and Conditions covers Truth in Savings Disclosures and Deposit Agreements at Texas Bay. That includes some of the laws which apply to common transactions, rules that cover certain transactions, and gives you disclosures of some of our policies to which you are entitled to and in which you may be interested in. You can find all of the details in the following document.
Electronic Funds Transfer
Electronic Funds Transfer disclosure indicates the types of Electronic Fund Transfers that Texas Bay is allowed to handle. This disclosure tells you your rights and obligations for the transactions listed. Electronic Funds Transfer information can be found on Page 10 of the Terms and Conditions disclosure.
Deposit Insurance Coverage
Texas Bay Credit Union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), which is backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. NCUA provides protection for your account's funds.
Excess Deposit Insurance Coverage
Texas Bay is happy to offer our members in addition to the $250,000 coverage from the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund an additional $250,000 of savings protection to each qualifying account from Excess Share Insurance (ESI).
E-Sign Disclosure
The E-Sign Disclosure contains information about consenting to receive electronic disclosures about Texas Bay's products and services and to access our products and services through Digital Banking. You can find all of the details in the following document.
Third Party Links
Texas Bay Credit Union partners with a variety of businesses to offer top-notch financial services. We include links to these third party websites on this website for your convenience. When you access these third-party websites, you are leaving the Texas Bay Credit Union website. Texas Bay Credit Union is not responsible for the content presented on these third-party websites nor information collected. Refer to the privacy statement and security policy of each third-party website for more details on how they manage information. Texas Bay Credit Union does not represent the third party or the member if either enters into a transaction or agreement.
If you are unsatisfied with the services provided by this credit union, please submit a formal complaint.
Excessive or Luxury Expenditures Policy
The excessive or luxury expenditures policy contains information about Texas Bay's parameters and internal controls regarding expenditures. You can find all of the details in the following document.
SMS Texting Terms & Conditions
Our SMS Texting Terms & Conditions contains information about consenting to receive SMS Texts from Texas Bay Credit Union and how you can manage your opt-in and opt-out status. You can find all of the details in the following document.