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Navigating Tax Season

As we enter tax season, individuals and businesses alike find themselves immersed in the annual ritual of sorting through financial documents and navigating the complex world of taxes. Texas Bay Credit Union is here to help make your tax season a breeze with a guide to a smooth tax experience and exclusive offers through the Love My Credit Union Rewards program.

Gather Your Documents Early

Start collecting all necessary documents as early as possible. This includes your W-2s, 1099s, mortgage interest statements, and receipts for eligible deductions or credits. Having everything in one place will make the process much more manageable.

File Early

The tax season often comes with its fair share of challenges. Filing taxes at the last minute can lead to stress and potential errors. By understanding the importance of early tax preparation, individuals can alleviate the pressure and ensure a smoother process.

Maximize Deductions and Credits

Understanding and utilizing tax deductions and credits is critical to lowering your tax bill. Texas residents have several opportunities to take advantage of these tax benefits. While federal deductions and credits are available to all U.S. taxpayers, knowing which ones benefit your situation is crucial.

First, decide whether to take the standard or itemized deductions. Generally, those filing a 1040EZ or short form will benefit most from the standard deduction. However, those going the itemized route, may benefit from the following deductions:
  • Home-Related Deductions – Texas homeowners can deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on their federal tax returns. These deductions can be substantial, especially in the early years of a mortgage when interest payments are highest.
  • Charitable Contributions – Donations to qualified charities are deductible. Keep records of all your donations, including cash and non-cash items.
  • Education Credits – If you or your dependents are students, you might be eligible for education credits like the American Opportunity Tax Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit. These credits can provide significant savings on higher education expenses.
  • Energy Efficiency Credits – If you've made any energy-efficient improvements to your home, such as installing solar panels or energy-efficient windows, you may be eligible for certain federal tax credits.
  • Child and Dependent Care Credit – This credit can offset some of the costs associated with childcare or adult care necessary for work for those with children or dependent adults.
  • Retirement Contributions – Contributions to IRAs and specific other retirement plans may be deductible. Texas Bay Credit Union can help you understand how retirement contributions affect your taxable income.
  • Educational Expenses – Deductions related to education may include student loan interest, tuition and fees, and education-related expenses for teachers, such as classroom supplies.
  • Moving Expenses – While the deduction for most job-related moving expenses was eliminated after 2017, it may still apply in certain situations.
  • Self-Employed Expenses – Self-employed individuals can deduct business-related expenses, including business travel, office supplies, home office (a portion of mortgage/rent), and health insurance premiums.
  • Health Savings Account (HSA) Contributions – Contributions to an HSA may be deductible, and withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are tax-free.
  • Medical and Dental Expenses – Taxpayers who itemize may be able to deduct medical and dental expenses that exceed a certain percentage of their adjusted gross income. This includes travel to and from medical appointments.
  • Retirement Contributions – Planning for retirement is not only a wise financial move but can also provide significant tax advantages. Understanding how retirement contributions affect your taxes can lead to substantial savings for Texas residents.
    • 401(k) and Traditional IRA Contributions – Contributions to traditional 401(k)s and IRAs can be made pre-tax, meaning they reduce your taxable income. This can lower your tax bill in the year you contribute. For example, if you contribute $5,000 to a traditional IRA and are in the 22% tax bracket, you could reduce your tax bill by $1,100.
    • Roth IRAs – While contributions to Roth accounts are made with after-tax dollars and don't provide an immediate tax deduction, they offer a long-term benefit. The withdrawals you make during retirement from these accounts are tax-free, including the earnings, provided certain conditions are met. This can be particularly advantageous if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket in retirement.
    • Employer Match Programs – If your employer offers a 401(k) match, ensure you contribute enough to get the entire match. This is essentially free money and can significantly boost your retirement savings.
    • Catch-Up Contributions – For those aged 50 and above, the IRS allows additional catch-up contributions to 401(k)s and IRAs. These contributions can help you save more if you're nearing retirement and want to boost your retirement funds.

File Electronically and Opt for Direct Deposit

Electronic filing (e-filing) is the fastest and most secure way to file taxes. Opting for direct deposit can also
peed up your refund process. Additionally, utilizing online tax preparation services, like Turbo Tax and H&R Block, offers step-by-step analysis of your individual financial situation.

Seek Professional Advice if Needed

Tax laws can be complex, and there's no harm in seeking assistance. If you're unsure about anything, consider consulting with a tax professional. Both Turbo Tax and H&R Block preparation services offer access to expert advice during the filing process.

Beware of Tax Scams

Staying vigilant against tax scams is crucial, especially during the tax season when fraudsters are most active. For Texas residents, being aware of common tactics used by scammers can help protect your financial information and identity.
  • Phishing Emails and Calls – Be cautious of unsolicited emails or calls claiming to be from the IRS or other tax authorities. Remember, these agencies never initiate contact with taxpayers via email, social media, or text messages to request personal or financial information. Always verify the authenticity of such communications before responding.
  • Fake Tax Preparers – Be wary of tax preparers who promise unusually high refunds or who charge fees based on a percentage of the refund. Choose a reputable tax professional.
  • Identity Theft – Scammers may try to steal your identity to file fraudulent tax returns in your name. Protect your social security number and personal information. Regularly review your credit report for any unusual activity.
  • IRS Impersonation – Scammers might call you impersonating IRS officials, demanding immediate payment, or threatening legal action. Know that the IRS will first mail a bill to any taxpayer who owes taxes and will never demand immediate payment or threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups.
  • Refund Theft – Be alert for signs of refund theft. If your refund is delayed or you receive a notice from the IRS about a duplicate return, contact the IRS immediately.

You Got a Refund – Now What? Making the Most of Your Refund

Deciding what to do with your tax refund depends on your financial goals and current situation. Here are some ideas to consider:
  • Emergency Fund – If you don't already have an emergency fund, consider using your tax refund to establish one. Aim for three to six months' worth of living expenses in a readily accessible account.
  • Pay off Debt – Use your refund to pay down high-interest debts, such as credit card balances. Reducing debt can improve your overall financial health and save you money on interest payments.
  • Invest for the Future – Consider investing your refund in long-term savings or retirement accounts. Contributing to a retirement account or investment portfolio can help your money grow over time.
  • Education Savings – If you have children, consider contributing to a 529 plan for their education. These plans offer tax advantages for saving for educational expenses.
  • Home Improvements – Invest in home improvements that can enhance the value of your property or make it more energy-efficient. This can be a good way to use your refund to improve your living space.
  • Health Savings – If you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA), use your refund to contribute to these accounts. This can help cover future medical expenses.
  • Start a Side Business – Invest your refund in starting a small side business or pursuing a passion project. This could potentially generate additional income in the future.
  • Charitable Contributions – Consider donating to a charitable organization. Not only does this support a good cause, but it may also provide a deduction on your next year's taxes.
  • Education and Skills Development – Invest in your own education or skills development. This could include taking a course, attending workshops, or purchasing books and materials to enhance your professional skills.
  • Save for Specific Goals – Identify specific financial goals, such as a down payment on a home, a vacation, or a major purchase. Allocate your refund towards achieving these goals.
  • Treat Yourself Responsibly – While it's okay to use a portion of your refund for something enjoyable, like a vacation or a special purchase, try to strike a balance between rewarding yourself and making financially responsible choices.

Plan for Next Year

The tax season is an excellent time to reassess your financial goals and plan for the year ahead. Adjust your withholdings if necessary, and consider setting up a savings plan for next year's taxes. Texas Bay Credit Union can assist with financial planning services to help prepare you better for the future.

As this year’s tax season unfolds, Texas Bay Credit Union stands out as a financial institution dedicated to easing the burden of tax preparation for its members. By following this guide, Texas residents can navigate the complexities of tax filing with greater ease and confidence. Through the Love My Credit Union Rewards program, members can access valuable discounts on H&R Block and TurboTax, ensuring a seamless and cost-effective filing process. The added incentive of the Tax Time Sweepstakes, with the possibility of winning up to $10,000, adds an extra layer of excitement to this tax season. By taking advantage of these exclusive offers, members can not only save money on tax preparation but also potentially enhance their financial well-being. We are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you're financially prepared for this tax season and many to come. So, gear up for a stress-free and rewarding tax season with Texas Bay!

Disclaimer: Texas Bay Credit Union and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors before making any tax-related decisions.