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Personal Finance
A Guide to Preparation
Texas heat brings the presence of summer, but summer in the Gulf Coast Region of Texas brings on another danger: hurricanes. Living in the tropics, Houston has to prepare annually for the infamous hurricane season in the case of major storms such Harvey, Ike, Rita, the list goes on.

Every Houstonian knows that in order to keep themselves and others safe, they need to be prepared for the worst. For a quick refresher, we have built a step by step guide on how to best prepare yourself and family.
Preparing for Hurricane Season:
- Create an evacuation/safety plan
- Make sure to plan possible escape routes that avoid flooding.
- Talk to friends and family in the area if they live on higher elevations and plan to stay with them if need be.
- Decide on a location where everyone will meet in case of emergencies.
- Make sure everyone knows which room serves as the bunker room in case of tornados.
- Stock up on canned foods, non-perishable items, sand bags, and water bottles.
- Pack a Survival Kit with essentials
- Include your prescriptions, make sure to get these in two or three month supplies in case you are low. For help with prescription savings, use your Texas Bay Perks to save on costs.
- Don't forget to keep portable chargers that may have more than one functionality, these can help you do more than just charge your devices and provide light in case of an outage. Check them monthly to ensure they are fully charged and ready.
- Prepare a Hurricane Emergency Kit for evacuating furry, scaly, or feathered pets.
- Include your pet in evacuation drills so they are calmer and more used to being placed in their carriers and traveling.
- Pack away plenty treats and keep stock of their foods, in case there are shortages after the storm passes.
- Download the Red Cross Pet First Aid App for more information on what to do in emergency situations, and access to locating the nearest vet.
- Try to stay calm, your pets can sense your panic and staying calm will help them through your safety plan with ease.
- Check your insurance policies to make sure you're covered.
- Flood Insurance: Homeowners' policies do not cover flood damage. A separate policy is required. Most policies require a 30-day wait period before you can claim against the policy, so timing is critical. Some mortgage lenders require flood coverage in certain areas.
- Windstorm Insurance: If you live in a hurricane-prone area, your homeowners' insurance probably doesn't cover wind and hail damage. You'll need a separate policy.
- What is covered under your homeowners' policy:
- Damage to your home's structure
- Personal belongings
- Hotel, meals, and living expenses if you are displaced.
- Review your deductibles
- Windstorm deductibles are typically higher than other coverages under your homeowners' policy
- Hurricane deductible - High-risk areas may be required to have a separate deductible for hurricane losses. This is often called a 'named storm" or "hurricane" deductible. This is usually 1-5% of a flat amount, depending on your policy.
- Get a FREE review of your policies by Houston's #1 Insurance team at Texas Bay Insurance Group.
Insurance Representatives
Lorrie Freeman
Janette Cisneros
*Asistencia para miembros de habla hispana
Lorrie Freeman
Janette Cisneros
*Asistencia para miembros de habla hispana
Most importantly stay safe and be prepared. Preparation can save your life and others, too.
Prepare, plan, and execute.